
Micothon BV is a Dutch company that sells greenhouse spraying systems round the world.

In modern IPM all components have to be perfect to be able to meet the required target.
Each crop and every greenhouse company have their own specific demands regarding spray technology to make sure the very best result is achieved.

Micothon has, together with its partnercompany Metazet-Formflex, developed a large program of greenhouse sprayers. A good spray result is determined by many technical and pest related factors. During many years we gathered a lot of practical experience that you can benefit from. We kindly invite you to pose all questions regarding spray technology to us. Your questions will be discussed with our specialists. They interview you and discuss with you about your specific possibilities and wishes. We provide a total solution with a trouble free integration in your company.

Our experience is a guarantee for your customised solution to assure your company’s specific needs are met.

Spraying less and better will generate cash for you.

Spraying with insufficient result gives unnecessary costs on chemicals and biological products. Besides that, there also will be significant grow delay of your crop resulting in less production! This means even double costs for you! So, working with the best possible sprayer will earn money for you. The Return on Investment can be even only 1 till 2 years!

"We help you to spray less and better!"

Contact Micothon

Company name: Micothon
Address: Tienboerenweg 20B, Locatie 3, 3641 RA, Mijdrecht, The Netherlands
Website: micothon.nl/
Telephone number: +31 (0)297 - 526984